Showing posts with label activity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label activity. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

9 Things Only [Insert Adjective] People Would Understand! (Every Buzzfeed List Ever)

Are you the type of person that has a quality about you that most people don't have about them. Maybe you're short or left-handed or have a big butt. Well you probably know all too well how the world just doesn't understand you. So here's a list of things only you with your specific qualities would understand. I'm sure you've found a Buzzfeed list or Facebook link that lists the exact qualities that you have! Well for all of you who like to simplify your life into a series of gifs, here you are!!!

1) Doing some specific everyday activity is harder for you.

Using scissors, making breakfast, sitting in a chair correctly or even trying to sleep on your back, your quality makes it very hard to do a task that most people find easy to do. Only you can truly relate to that.

Drinking coffee? How do I do that?!

2) You can't just wear that specific article of clothing like everyone else.

You'd like to wear those tight fitting pants, but you just can't. A nice scarf? I don't think so. Maybe a cool hat? Nope. Your quality prevents you from living a life where you can choose to wear whatever you want.
You can't pull off a pants suit. You just can't.

3) You wish you could eat that food that most people do, but you can't due to allergies/quick weight gain/your quality. OR you eat everything

Doesn't that dish your friend just ordered look so good. You want a bite but you know you can't because of you quality. No one will ever understand why you always refuse to try a bite, but you know why.

Eating is hard #amiright
Or you eat everything you see. Same coin just different sides.