Tuesday, October 21, 2014

9 Things Only [Insert Adjective] People Would Understand! (Every Buzzfeed List Ever)

Are you the type of person that has a quality about you that most people don't have about them. Maybe you're short or left-handed or have a big butt. Well you probably know all too well how the world just doesn't understand you. So here's a list of things only you with your specific qualities would understand. I'm sure you've found a Buzzfeed list or Facebook link that lists the exact qualities that you have! Well for all of you who like to simplify your life into a series of gifs, here you are!!!

1) Doing some specific everyday activity is harder for you.

Using scissors, making breakfast, sitting in a chair correctly or even trying to sleep on your back, your quality makes it very hard to do a task that most people find easy to do. Only you can truly relate to that.

Drinking coffee? How do I do that?!

2) You can't just wear that specific article of clothing like everyone else.

You'd like to wear those tight fitting pants, but you just can't. A nice scarf? I don't think so. Maybe a cool hat? Nope. Your quality prevents you from living a life where you can choose to wear whatever you want.
You can't pull off a pants suit. You just can't.

3) You wish you could eat that food that most people do, but you can't due to allergies/quick weight gain/your quality. OR you eat everything

Doesn't that dish your friend just ordered look so good. You want a bite but you know you can't because of you quality. No one will ever understand why you always refuse to try a bite, but you know why.

Eating is hard #amiright
Or you eat everything you see. Same coin just different sides.

4) Because of your quality, you can understand how this dog feels.

This dog is you.

"No thanks there chief" - You

5) This 90's song describes you more than anything else ever will

Whether it's Oasis or Spice Girls no one else in the world other than you can relate to this song better than you. People should think of you when they hear the chorus to whatever song you're thinking of.

Hanson will live forever

6) You secretly love a shameful thing

You should really be ashame to like the new One Direction song or watch One Tree Hill but you do it anyway. Because this thing you do that you don't tell people about, gets you better than anyone else ever could.

You should feel ashamed for ever loving something

7) You constantly feel anxious/tired/fat/any adjective

Your quality makes you constantly feel not normal. Life is hard enough and you have to deal with this too!

Feelings are hard

8) Olivia Pope OR Benedict Cumberbatch is your spirit animal

Whatever your quality is, one of these people will perfectly describe you.

9) Say goodbye to a part of the day

The quality makes you tired at night or maybe really awake at night! Either way you'll feel the opposite in the morning or during the day. It's hard to be productive the whole day, but only you know that.

You are a unique individual. This list proves that. And obviously you define yourself from whatever quality you thought about while you read this.

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