Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Favorite Movie Quotes

Movies are wonderful. Stories that let you leave your troubles behind for just a couple of hours while you lose yourself in a whole new world. I've seen tons of movies in my time and I wanted to share some of my favorite lines from a few of them. I'm sure you'll remember them exactly as I do.

The Usual Suspects

"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. And making people do terrible things to each other. And spreading disease. And possessing people...Well he IS the Devil. Let's agree that he does a lot of bad horrible things. That's like his whole thing. That's why he exists. It's all about deception and tricks for that guy. Not me though. Not good old Verbal Kint. I’m just a regular dude over here. I don’t even know any tricks. I do eat Trix sometimes but that’s mostly to piss off my pet rabbit... And just like that, poof, he’s gone. The devil that is. Not my pet rabbit " - Verbal Kint/Keyser Soze

James Bond Movies

Bond. James Bond. That’s my name. Have you heard of me? You've never heard the name James Bond before? I’m a pretty big deal. I’m a British Spy. Wherever I go, whoever I talk to, I go up to them and say Bond. James Bond. It’s a pretty cool way to introduce myself, though now that I think about it I probably shouldn't do that. I mean I am a spy, right? I shouldn't even be using my actual name when I’m on a mission much less brag about it to people. Really the worst thing a spy can do is announce to everyone he meets who he actually is. All someone would have to do is google James Bond and BOOM, first thing that comes up is my LinkedIn account listing my MI6 background.” – James Bond

Godfather Part 2

Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. But like, keep it to a degree, you know what I mean? Like don’t be right up against your enemy. You should give him some breathing room. You probably don’t want to be right up against him because its uncomfortable AND let’s not forget he’s your enemy. If you’re that close to him it’s a good opportunity for him to stab you. So keep your friends close and just be mindful of your enemies proximity. I think that’s a good way to put it." - Michael Corleone


“Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the worlds in all the solar system in all of the galaxy in all of all the galaxies in all of the universe in all of all possible universes, parallel, multiverse, and infinite, she walks into mine.” – Rick Blaine

King Kong

Oh, no, it wasn't the airplanes. It was Beauty killed the Beast” – Carl Denham
“Beauty? A fucking huge ass ape just fell off the Empire State Building after being shot down by airplanes. I don’t know if Beauty had anything to do with it. But what do I know, I’m just the Chief of Police. You’re the expert here, right?! You, Carl, who’s basically just a Broadway producer. Yeah, you’re the expert. Let me just get out my report and cross out all the details about the damage that was done because you went to that crazy island and captured this creature...(crosses out everything on his pad)...alright that’s all gone. And let me just write down here, ‘Cause of death: Beauty.’ (Pauses) Why don't you just mind your fucking business Carl and let me handle this.” – Cop

The Goonies

Goonies never say die! Except when we say ‘Goonies never say die.’ We kind of have to say it then. Or we could start saying ‘Goonies never know. That word that start with a D and rhyme with pie.’” – Mikey

Shawshank Redemption

“In prison a man will do most anything to keep his mind occupied. Me? I practice skat. Bee-bop. Shooby Dooby. Bee-bop. Tik-ti-tik-tik. Bee-Bop. Razzle. Damn. I said razzle again. Well I'm still working on it. Andy wasn't a big fan of skat. He told me on more than one occasion that my skating was worse than when the sisters raped him.” – Red

Star Wars

“These aren't the droids you're looking for. No these are just two regular droids not ones that would have secrets inside of them. Well they have some secrets because they are sex droids. Yes! Sex droids! They are programmed to only have sex. If you want to take one of them for a ride be my guest but just know that I just had my way with them and haven't gotten a chance to clean them yet. In fact, I'm going to get them cleaned up right now and then I'm heading off to a big orgy. Going to be a few friends and a bunch of their sex droids too.” – Obi Wan

Lord of the Rings: Return of the King

A day may come when the courage of men fails...but it is not THIS day. If today was a Monday, sure, it might've been today. Monday’s suck. You're pissed off you're at work after having a nice weekend. Maybe you're even hungover from Brunch on Sunday. But today is not Monday. Today is Thursday. Thursdays are good days. Weekends almost here, maybe you'll go to a happy hour after this. Thursdays are great for happy hours. Then you just got Friday at work, but no one takes that seriously anyway, and then it’s the weekend.” – Aragorn

Die Hard

Do you really think you have a chance against us, Mr. Cowboy?” – Hans Gruber
Cowboy? Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker. Yee-haw dick face. Howdy partner asshole. This ain't my first rodeo jerk. P-twoo P-twoo (making gun sounds).” – John McClane

Glengarry Glen Ross

"A-B-C. A. Always. B. Be. C. Closing. Now let's try finishing the alphabet. D. What could D be? What about Don't. Then E could be Ever. Now F....Hmm. Don't Ever...FAIL! Alright. So A. Always. B. Be. C. Closing. D. Don't. E. Ever. F. Fail. Then maybe Go for G. Home for H. Go home...inside...just. I-J-K. K. Keep? Keep. Listening. More. N-n-n-n-n? Never. Open. Postcards. No you can't open postcards. Postcards doesn't work here. Never open...PEOPLE. Never open people because that's like murdering right? Alright. We're almost done here. This is kinda fun. Q. Q is a tough one. We get past Q the rest is easy. Q could be QUICK! Quick...RESPONSE...STEMS...TERRIFIC...UNIQUE. Unique...VIRTUOUS WORK! This is good stuff here guys. What's after W? X! Fuck. I forgot about X. Literally the only X word I know is xylophone. So xylophone it is. Xylophone's Yesterday's Zeitgeist! We did it guys! Let's take it from the top. 
A-Always. B. Be. C. Closing. D. Don't. E. Ever. F. Fail. G. Go. H. Home. I. Inside. J. Just. K. Keep. L. Listening. M. More. N. Never. O. Open. P. People. Q. Quick. R. Response. S. Stems. T. Terrific. U. Unique. V. Virtuous. W. Work. X. Xylophone's. Y. Yesterday's. Z. Zeitgeist! Yes! We did it! We really got something here guys. Solid day of work. Let's give ourselves a round-of-applause! Oh. Also, if you sell the least amount, you're fired." - Blake

Great quotes from great movies. What are your favorite movie quotes?

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